This will be a short post, it’s nearly midnight and I am ready for a snooze! Went into the kitchens early this morning to make yoghurt with Denise… What do you do when there is no milk? Head down to the dairy, ask Haulie (who, had just started to milk the girls as we walked in) for a jug of milk, and then ask him to separate it. The milk was still warm, and frothy on top, like a latte! Our yoghurt is sitting in a homemade container (courtesy of Tim) that keeps it from cooling down too fast, we will see what we have in the morning. I attempted to make ricotta this morning as well but for some unknown reason to everyone around, it didn’t form curds. I used pasteurized milk, tomorrow or Thursday I will try with raw, and see if I have any success.
Had a good morning in the kitchen, Ottolenghi’s orange and almond Florentines, spicy apple chutney, and brown soda bread, all so tasty. Tonight Tim did a demo on sour dough, which fascinates me, he gave me a jar of the starter (another thing to try and sneak home?), so I will hopefully try to make some on Thursday. Demo was great, taught by Rory, who as I said last week, I could watch forever. Can’t wait to make the smoked salmon starter and an Ottolenghi chicken dish on Thursday. The gardening class is tomorrow, sowing peas with the phases of the moon, should be interesting. Will write a proper post with the details of today tomorrow!
“Now this is not regarded as a shortcut, it’s regarded as being intelligent.” – Rory Allen on using a mandolin in the kitchen.