Why Ireland?

Why Ireland?

I’ve been dreaming of Ireland lately, not sure what it is. The cooler temps, all this wind, a craving to get on a plane and travel? One of the most common questions I get asked is why did I go to culinary school in Ireland? It’s funny because lots of people don’t give...

July News

A little update as we head into summer! Last week I headed down to Calgary to celebrate the launch of Karen Anderson and Tilly Sanchez-Turri’s new book Food Artisans of Alberta which I am so lucky to have been included in. It’s such a neat book showcasing the best of...
August Organics

August Organics

I have been asked if I would ever consider doing a class that included a small tour of a farmers’ market, instead of a class – I’d rather share a bit about the farmers and producers in a way that is more accessible to everyone. I’ll be posting...
December News

December News

Over the last few weeks as classes wrap up and I say goodbye to students I can’t quite believe it when they say, “well, I won’t be seeing you again before the New Year,” or “Merry Christmas!” How is it nearly the end of 2017 already? What a great year it has been for...


I often sit at my computer with the goal of writing a blog, but I get distracted and think about how I sat (nearly) every night in my bed at Ballymaloe and wrote a blog. I don’t know how I did it, yes of course I had a lot to talk about. But I have a list on my...
March News

March News

How is it already March 1st? The good news is it means we are that much closer to spring and all of the new season produce I find March and April to be two of the hardest months in the kitchen – definitely the hardest months to shop and find inspiration. The fruit and...
January Newsletter

January Newsletter

First of all a belated Happy New Year to everyone! I can’t quite believe it’s 2017, which  means I was in Ireland 2 years ago settling into my second week on the course! Hard to believe really – I often find myself looking back and remember just how much I learned...
November News

November News

I feel like I always start my newsletters and / or blogs by saying, “I can’t believe…,” but, I really can’t believe that November is nearly coming to an end! It’s been a whirl wind month with a two week trip to The UK, time in London with my mum and our friend Penny –...


The starter is ready to go! Mixing the dough. Dough is ready to rise overnight in the fridge. Shaping the dough. One of my first loaves of sourdough in Edmonton! There are a lot of food related things that I could say, “is there anything better than…?” and I’m sure...
An Update & A Rant

An Update & A Rant

In Ireland I had so much to write about everyday, now that I’m home, my life seems same old same old, so it’s hard to keep up on the blog! But, thought I would write a little update about what’s been going on, and a little rant about chicken stock, and the price of...