Backyard Bees – The Beginning

Backyard Bees – The Beginning

If you’ve seen my recent posts on social media, you know I recently became a backyard beekeeper – ha, sounds a bit funny, doesn’t it? I have wanted bees for a few years now, but couldn’t seem to get into any beekeeping courses, finally last year after nagging...
Christmas Recipes

Christmas Recipes

Sabina and Nathan from The Project of Now asked me to write a post about eating locally this Christmas – I got side tracked and it ended up being about, eating locally this Christmas, entertaining this Christmas and gifts for the foodie in your life – you can check...

July News

A little update as we head into summer! Last week I headed down to Calgary to celebrate the launch of Karen Anderson and Tilly Sanchez-Turri’s new book Food Artisans of Alberta which I am so lucky to have been included in. It’s such a neat book showcasing the best of...
August Organics

August Organics

I have been asked if I would ever consider doing a class that included a small tour of a farmers’ market, instead of a class – I’d rather share a bit about the farmers and producers in a way that is more accessible to everyone. I’ll be posting...
Rhubarb Fizz + Rustic Hummus Recipes

Rhubarb Fizz + Rustic Hummus Recipes

A quick post with a couple of recipes I’ve been asked for quite a bit recently! The rhubarb fizz cocktail is great to make when you have a glut of rhubarb and the shrub is a bit different than cordial! I serve my rustic hummus with chilli and parsley oil in...
December News

December News

Over the last few weeks as classes wrap up and I say goodbye to students I can’t quite believe it when they say, “well, I won’t be seeing you again before the New Year,” or “Merry Christmas!” How is it nearly the end of 2017 already? What a great year it has been for...